My Books
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The Flower Garden Deck:
50 Flower Care Cards to Help You Plan, Plant, and Grow the Perfect Garden!
Release Date: March 25, 2025
Unlock the beauty of your garden and embrace the power of flowers to create a vibrant, stress-reducing garden with this empowering deck that features information on how to plant and care for 50 popular flowers.

The Flower Garden Deck:
50 Flower Care Cards to Help You Plan, Plant, and Grow the Perfect Garden!
Release Date: March 25, 2025
Unlock the beauty of your garden and embrace the power of flowers to create a vibrant, stress-reducing garden with this empowering deck that features information on how to plant and care for 50 popular flowers.

Houseplants for a Healthy Home:
50 Indoor Plants to Help You Breathe Better, Sleep Better, and Feel Better All Year Round
This A-to-Z guide illuminates the numerous health benefits of 50 common, easy-to-grow houseplants along with detailed care instructions and beautiful illustrations of each plant.
Available: Kindle & Hardcover

Houseplants for a Healthy Home:
50 Indoor Plants to Help You Breathe Better, Sleep Better, and Feel Better All Year Round
This A-to-Z guide illuminates the numerous health benefits of 50 common, easy-to-grow houseplants along with detailed care instructions and beautiful illustrations of each plant.
Available: Kindle & Hardcover
A Time Travel Mystery
Build the machine! Save the family!
When 12-year-old billionaire Zig Zephyr discovers these words in his dead grandfather’s journal, he has no idea what they mean. But he quickly learns that Alton Zephyr—famous inventor, jewel thief, escaped prisoner—had many secrets…beginning with the lab hidden under his family’s garden.
And his plans for a time machine. Exclusive on Amazon.
Available: Kindle & Paperback

A Time Travel Mystery
Build the machine! Save the family!
When 12-year-old billionaire Zig Zephyr discovers these words in his dead grandfather’s journal, he has no idea what they mean. But he quickly learns that Alton Zephyr—famous inventor, jewel thief, escaped prisoner—had many secrets…beginning with the lab hidden under his family’s garden.
And his plans for a time machine. Exclusive on Amazon.
Available: Kindle & Paperback